finding space

through Breathwork, Meditation, Nutrition and Movement


Greetings! I’m Christopher – passionate about exploring the realms of Breathwork, Pranayama and Meditation. Yogic styles of Movement and Holistic Nutrition also fuel my journey and drive for sharing and teaching these treasures. Working synergistically, these approaches will improve health Physically, Mentally and Spiritually – finding space within.

 I’m a 500 Hour certified Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Advanced SOMA Breath Instructor, Rebirthing Breathwork Facilitator, and Registered Holistic Nutritionist. 

With English and French nationality, I am capable of teaching in both languages. Thanks for taking the time to visit this space!


Pranayama & SOMA Breath

I wish to share my passion and in-depth knowledge and practice of the ancient energetic science of Pranayama, where one learns to control, expand and suspend the Breath - and the subtle energy.

SOMA Breath, which I affectionately refer to as ‘Modern Pranayama,’ combines my love for music with the transformative power of breathwork. This fusion of various pranayama techniques and music technology leads to blissful and ecstatic states. Supported by scientific research, this breathing style offers numerous benefits, especially for beginners, providing an unforgettable journey into the profound impact of the breath.

I provide Trainings, Workshops, Classes, and Retreats based on this fascinating subject, aiding one in finding space within.

Rebirthing Breathwork

The truly transformative power of the breath is witnessed first hand when practising Rebirthing Breathwork. It’s not just relaxation that you feel; it’s a peace that transcends words. It involves a profound inner practice aimed at releasing emotional baggage, resolving inner conflicts, and challenging core beliefs. This process illuminates your true self and highlights what truly matters in life – for you.

Rebirthing Breathwork is a portal to inner peace—a place where the Mind surrenders control, the Body frees itself from tension, and the Heart finds solace.


Swara Vinyasa

Movement with the Breath

Engage the Breath, Body and Mind through Swara Vinyasa practice. Let this style of movement lead you into deeper states of Meditation and Relaxation.

Holistic Nutrition

My partner Roxane Blanchard and I are Registered Holistic Nutritionists (R.H.N.) and are passionate about the effects that Nutrition and Lifestyle can have on your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. We offer consultations, workshops and talks, open to collaborate with likeminded professionals.


Visit our article on what Holistic Nutrition really is, and what to expect from a consultation. (Coming soon…)


« J’ai eu la chance de participer à une formation de Pranayama avec Christopher au studio ZenSpace. Je savais que j’allais beaucoup apprendre mais honnêtement, la formation a même dépassé mes attentes. L’équilibre entre pratique et théorie m’a permis d’intégrer réellement ce qu’on était en train d’étudier, je repars avec plein de nouveaux outils et je n’ai qu’une envie : continuer à pratiquer ! Christopher est une personne pédagogue et attentive, il enseigne avec le coeur, je lui suis très reconnaissante pour tout ce qu’il nous a transmis avec beaucoup d’humanité. »
Marion Desangles
« Wonderful retreat with Chris and Roxane! Everything was perfect : Yoga sessions, Breathwork, Food, Accomadation, Nature and Lovely people ♥️. Chris and Roxane you're fabulous teachers, so welcoming and authentic. Thank you! »
« Je recommande vivement les cours de Christopher. je prends des cours de respiration en ligne avec lui depuis plusieurs mois. Chaque séance qui arrive sur mon ordinateur est un cadeau. La voix est parfaite, toujours juste, le support musical est génial. ce sont des cours qui groovent dans tous les sens du terme. »
Ana Yerno

