Functional Movement with the Breath

Swara vinyasa

Vinyasa Flow

Vinyasa Flow is a popular style in the West, coming from the  Sri Krishnamacharya lineage, the ‘Father of Modern Yoga’. This influential Yogi taught students such as K. Pttabhi Jois (Ashtanga Yoga), B. K. S. Iyengar (Iyengar Yoga) and his own son, T. K. V. Desikachar (Viniyoga).  The Vinyasa Flow of today is commonly focussed on the physical and postural aspect of Yoga, helping people build strength and flexibility, and engaging the breath throughout the practice (hopefully!).  

Swara Yoga

I discovered Swara Yoga through one of my teacher’s, Ram Giri Baba, who founded the school Swara Yoga Academy. His style descends from Traditional Hatha Yoga as well as from Viniyoga, an approach developed by T.K.V. Desikachar. This Swara Yoga style is based around repetitive movements and cycles, always engaging the breath before the physical movement, creating a rhythm and a pulsation throughout the entire class, and the practitioner.  

"Basic breathing in postures is good, and it is in fact essential.
But focused and refined breathing in connection with the body is even better."
- Ram Giri Baba
Tree Pose Thailand


Loving both the delicate Swara style as well as the more physical Vinyasa style, my classes are very focussed around the breath, as well as functional and modern movement. They are quite physical, developing strong foundations in the arms, legs and abdomen. On the other hand, the Swara aspects will always provide you with moments of reconnection and focussed breathing, allowing you to accomplish poses without sacrificing the flow of the breath (the swara). 

In general I tend to blend the two styles together, providing an optimum balance between the physical and energetic realms.  

Private Classes

For private classes, we can move in depth  into whatever it is that you are most interested in (movement, breath, mobility, meditation, relaxation…), as well as explore new areas. Feel free to contact me for more information regarding private sessions.

       1 Hour : 50€        

1 Hour 30 : 70€

     (Ask me about package deals)    

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